terms & conditions

DIGITAL COMMERCE does not focus on long-term contracts, as clients only continue if they are satisfied with our services. However, we offer a minimum initial contract of 6 months for sponsored links, social media management, mao business, and humanized avatars, allowing you to better understand your business. After this period, you can continue based on your level of satisfaction.

Payment can be made with a credit card through IDEAL or another convenient option. The monthly fee is deducted through an automated process that takes into account the purchase date. In order to request the cancellation of the reimbursement, the contracting party must notify the other party via phone and email of any interruption, pause, or cancellation of the contracted services, with at least 48 hours’ notice.

If the customer chooses to cancel the minimum loyalty contract before it ends, they will be required to pay a penalty equal to 50% of the remaining contract value.

When a client hires DIGITAL COMMERCE for a certain service, they understand that they are subject to any applicable rules. When approving one of our services, the customer indicates that they have read and agree with the following terms:

1.1. Acceptance of the Terms of Service

1.1.1. DIGITAL COMMERCE provides various services to you (CLIENT), subject to the terms described below. When a client authorizes a certain digital commerce service, they understand that they will be bound by any rules that apply to that service. By using one of our services, the CLIENT indicates that they have read and agree, even if implicitly, with the Terms, automatically linking themselves to the following rules.

1.1.2. The current contract will be available on the “Terms of Service” link on the DIGITHAL COMMERCE website during its validity period.

1.2. Of the object

1.2.1. DIGITAL COMMERCE will provide services in the areas of digital marketing, web design, graphic design, presentation, profile and project management, humanized avatars, and mobile business for the client, within the options chosen by the client at the time of contract.

1.3. Overview of Services

1.3.1. Google Sponsored Links The work of DIGITHAL COMMERCE consists of: (1) creating new campaigns, (2) optimizing campaigns, (3) optimizing advertisements, groups of advertisements, and lists of keywords, (4) configuring advertising and remarketing, (5) monitoring and providing assistance during commercial hours, and (6) sending reports at least once every month. Google investment values and Digital Commerce rates align with the contracted strategy on their website. DIGITHAL COMMERCE campaigns will be excluded if the contract is not fulfilled or canceled within the minimum period agreed upon in the contract form. Before contracting DIGITAL COMMERCE, the contractor must obtain authorization via email to make changes and optimize active campaigns. In this case, the customer will carry on with their campaigns after the minimum obligatory contract has ended.

1.3.2. Social Media

The services include profile adequacy, posting, creating seasonal campaigns, sending reports, support, and other items in accordance with the package selected on the Digital Commerce website. Due to the dynamic nature of the service, DIGITAL COMMERCE technicians are not required to submit content for approval before posting on social media. If the client wants a different approach from the one that was first used, all they need to do is let the responsible technician know about their preferences.

In the event that the customer submits content for publication, Digital Commerce requests a maximum of three business days to complete the necessary publications.

1.3.3. Ads on Facebook and Instagram The work of DIGITHAL COMMERCE consists of: (1) creating new campaigns, (2) improving campaigns, (3) improving advertisements, (4) monitoring and providing support during commercial hours, and (5) sending reports at least once a month. The investment values on Facebook and Instagram and the Digital Commerce taxes are in line with the plan that was contracted on the Digital Commerce website. DIGITHAL COMMERCE campaigns will be excluded if the contract is not fulfilled or canceled within the minimum period agreed upon in the contract form. Before contracting DIGITAL COMMERCE, the contractor must obtain authorization via email to make changes and optimize active campaigns. In this case, the customer will carry on with their campaigns after the minimum obligatory contract has ended.

1.3.4. SEO – Website Optimization This item governs the Google-focused site optimization service, which is here referred to as SEO (INTERNO). Participate in the following SEO services: ANALYZE EVERY NICHE MACRO DE SEO. A detailed study is presented in the project’s first phase, whereby the industry, market, competition, products, opportunities, content, media, barriers, copy, website, blog, etc. are analyzed. SEO MARKETING CONTENT AUDITORIA Advanced 21-step method to ensure everything is compliant with SEO guidelines; this procedure is applied to all newly added content to the blog. O CONTEÚDO DE CRESCIMENTO EDIÇÃO Modifications made to the main pages based on access order to concentrate on sales and leads. PAUTA DE CONTEÚDO FOCADO EM VENDAS Identifying opportunities to increase site visits and sales through relevant topics, with a focus on providing access and sales. HIGH COPY TITLES ADDED TO WORD MAPPING. Clients should understand that no SEO company can guarantee specific search positions. Normal SEO services can take up to 12 months to show any noticeable results.

1.3.5. e/ou Blog Website

In this case, the service provision relates to creating, developing, maintaining, and optimizing the collection of electronic and graphic pages, hereafter referred to as a “website,” for exclusive use on the Internet, with a focus on the client’s brand and the caliber of their goods and services. Constituem uma parte dos serviços de blogue ou website gerados pela Studio 4x.

Concerning development, there are three main aspects to consider: (i) the graphic design, (ii) the programming of necessary data banks, and (iii) the programming of pages in accordance with the contracted plan. Website maintenance includes (i) content updates (text and images), and (ii) necessary corrections. Maintenance does not include: (i) additional services, (ii) installation of plugins and extra components, (iii) creation of new pages or changes to the site layout, and (iv) resolution of problems not directly related to DIGITAL COMMERCE, for example.

This includes issues caused by phone companies, hosting companies, and other third-party service providers required for the website to function and remain up. DIGITHAL COMMERCE will own all content created, developed, art, invented, and authored by them until all debts related to the site are paid. If there is any outstanding financial debt related to this contract, all rights will belong to DIGITHAL COMMERCE. Only qualified and licensed DIGITHAL COMMERCE technicians or third parties will be able to provide services. The website may be removed if the current contract is not followed, particularly in terms of payment.

In relation to the graphic project, the client may receive some template models for approval, if necessary. After analyzing internal viability and approving the graphic project, DIGITAL COMMERCE will begin programming. After completing the graphic design project, the client cannot request changes to the site’s structure. If the client desires a new graphic project, a new proposal must be made. The initial website structure is delivered within 52 days (personalized model and/or blog) and 30 days (studio) of contract.

If there are delays in the delivery of the files or if changes are requested. In Studio, clients will be presented with two models to choose from at the start of the project. The development process will start with one of the client’s chosen models, which can be personalized with images, text, and video (if necessary). Create Grafico Design presenting a profile and projects, a chave business in Mao.

The creation of a visual identity, also known as branding, profile and project presentation, and mao-based business follow the steps outlined on the website.

1.3.6. Home Page Design Landing Page development entails: (i) client-approved graphic design, (ii) database programming, and (iii) one-page programming. The maximum delivery time for each landing page is 15 days. After layout approval, the client cannot request changes to the structure of the landing page.

1.3.7. Ads on LinkedIn: The work of DIGITHAL COMMERCE consists of: (1) creating new campaigns, (2) improving campaigns, (3) improving advertisements, (4) monitoring and providing support during commercial hours, and (5) sending reports at least once a month. Linkedin investment values and DIGITHAL COMMERCE rates are in accordance with the contracted plan on their website. DIGITHAL COMMERCE campaigns will be void if the contract is not fulfilled or canceled before the minimum period agreed upon in the contract form. Before contracting DIGITAL COMMERCE, the contractor must obtain authorization via email to make changes and optimize active campaigns. In this case, the customer will carry on with their campaigns after the minimum obligatory contract has ended.

1.3.8 Google Launchpad: The work of DIGITHAL COMMERCE consists of: (1) creating an account on Google ADS Express, (2) creating a campaign, and (3) optimizing advertisements once a month using up to ten keyword phrases. (4) keeping an eye on and providing assistance during business hours; and (5) sending reports at least once every month. Google investment values and DIGITHAL COMMERCE rates align with the contracted plan on their website (single plan of € 950). DIGITAL COMMERCE campaigns will be void if the contract is not fulfilled or canceled before the minimum period agreed upon in the contract form.

1.4. The client’s obligations

1.4.1. The client must provide all necessary information for DIGITAL COMMERCE to execute all contracted services, such as company data, documents, passwords, restricted areas, logos, images, videos, campaign expectations, and campaign goals. The client bears responsibility for the information sent, as the digital commerce company cannot demand the client’s information for disclosure on a daily basis. Even if the client requests such information, this will not be regarded as a contractual modification.

The client should send information in an unambiguous manner, preferably via email, and confirm that the message has reached the DIGITAL COMMERCE team.

1.4.2. Clients are responsible for complying with social media and search engine regulations before signing a contract with DIGITAL COMMERCE. They should seek information about the possibility of selling and sharing on the internet. DIGITAL COMMERCE is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the advertising material provided by the CLIENTE. The CLIENTE is responsible for understanding the product and its respective regulations in the countries where it operates.

1.5.1. The duties of digital commerce

1.5.1. DIGITAL COMMERCE will maintain monthly contact with the CLIENT via phone or email to ensure that crucial campaign information is available. Contact will occur at least once each month, by email or phone, depending on the client’s preference.

1.5.2 Provide contracted services at the highest level of quality through qualified employees or third-party providers.

1.6. At the location where the contracted services are provided

1.7. Regarding payment

1.7.1. Prices, payment terms, and payment methods for authorized services are subject to the item “Informations of Faturamento” in the “Service Authorization” submitted by the client. If authorized through DIGITAL COMMERCE, prices, terms, and payment methods are subject to the contract and/or invoice sent to the client. The details might also be specified in the emails exchanged between the parties.

combines the invoice number with the current date of the company’s digital commerce. After payment is sent, send the credit confirmation via email, confirm receipt of the message, and request the bank account’s discount at the same time to avoid unwarranted protestation because, in the event of incomplete information, there would be no way to know about the debt.

1.7.4: Since there is no possibility of payment for whatever reason, the expiration date remains unchanged.

1.7.5. How does signature by credit card work? Digital Commerce offers monthly services. Payments are made automatically every month based on the date of registration. If your faturing date is scheduled for a day that doesn’t exist As on Day 31, you will be reimbursed on Day 1.

1.8. Of the implicit

1.8.1. If the client fails to fulfill their financial obligations under this contract, the contract will be automatically terminated after 7 (seven) days from the date of payment, regardless of any notification to the client, and DIGITAL COMMERCE may suspend payment.

1.9. The current expenses

1.9.1 If DIGITAL COMMERCE incurs expenses, they will be charged to the client’s account after approval. Os valores para aprovação devem ser apresentados pela DIGITAL COMMERCE e serão pagos na factura do vencimento seguinte ao desembolso.

1.10. About the period of effect

1.10.1. A fecha estabelecida terá un prazo determinado (o contrato de fidelidade mínimo atual está de 6 meses), conforme o pacote escolhido previamente. está automaticamente prorrogado caso nenhuma parte manifeste a rescindição.

1.11. Regarding revocation

1.11.1. If the contractual clauses are violated, the party who feels harmed may notify the other party in an unequivocal manner and explain the reason for the violation. They may also choose to grant a deadline for regularization and accept the contract’s continuation, or to notify the other party if the violation is due to a legitimate reason.

1.11.2. Upon the expiration of the fidelidad period, the client may terminate the services without any fees, provided that they send an email or letter at least 15 days in advance of the next expiration date.

1.11.3. If the client cancels within 7 days of the contract, they are entitled to a refund of agency fees. The refund will be made via bank transfer to the client’s specified account within 30 days.

If the client cancels the services within 7 days of the start of the work, they will not be entitled to the reimbursement of the agency fees paid to the digital commerce.

1.11.5. If a client wishes to request a refund for a Google-related transaction, they must do so directly with Google, without involving Digital Commerce in this process.

A bank account and an Ads account are compared. The account holder alone must request reimbursement with Google.

1.11.6. Cancelling sponsored links does not require DIGITHAL COMMERCE to pause campaigns, but rather requires its technicians to temporarily suspend campaign creation and optimization services.

1.11.7. Should the client choose to terminate the agreement before the Fidelity period ends, the client will be required to pay a penalty equal to half the remaining contract value.

To cancel your credit card authorization, contact DIGITAL COMMERCE 48 hours before the next payment is due. For example, if you contracted services on the 10th and did not

If you want to continue in the upcoming month, you must get in contact by day eight. Our contact information is available on our website under the contact page.

1.11.9. After payment, a refund can be requested within 7 days, with confirmation taking up to 60 days. This timeframe is determined by each card operator’s procedure.

1.12 General Dispositions

1.12.1. Any profits or losses incurred by the client after contracting with DIGITAL COMMERCE are solely the responsibility of the client, as S DIGITAL COMMERCE is only a service provider and does not accept any risk in the client’s business.

1.12.2. It is also stated in the contract that there may be variations and the client’s announcement may not appear in any searches. This is because it is always dependent on a series of combinations based on the policy of the search engines, and it is not the responsibility of the client.

1.12.3. The parties declare that there is no labor connection between them and the employees of the other, nor will there ever be a fiscal, tributary, or pension connection, and that each company is responsible for the obligations imposed by the law.

1.12.4. This contract binds the parties, inheritors, and successors to all of its clauses and conditions.

1.12.5. The obligations and rights of this contract cannot be modified

transferred to third parties with specific permission from both parties, or withdrawn with a justified reason.

1.12.6. Any questions can be addressed on the website www.digithalcommerce.nl.

1.12.7. The terms of service and relationship between DIGITAL COMMERCE and the CLIENT will be governed by low-country laws. The Digital Commerce and the Client agree to submit to the exclusive and unique jurisdiction of the Dutch tribunaries situated in the Rotterdam comarca.

1.13 The Penalties

1.13.1 In the event that the client violates any clause in the current contract, they will also be held liable for any losses and damages they cause as well as any lost profits as a result of their respective nonpayment.

1.13.2 In the event that the client violates any clause in the current contract, they will also be held liable for any losses and damages they cause as well as any lost profits as a result of their respective nonpayment.

DIGITHAL COMMERCE reserves the right to terminate a contract with a client if they witness any form of discrimination directed at DIGI employees based on race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, physical or mental disability, ethnic prejudices, sociocultural condition, nationality, or state of residence.- No moral or sexual abuse will be tolerated, as it undermines the dignity of any member of our team. Sexual harassment is defined as repeated sexual proposals or insinuations, whether verbal, gestural, or physical.- Offensive and inappropriate language will not be tolerated To every member of the Digital Commerce.

Finally, given that DIGITHAL COMMERCE is a digital design and marketing agency, and that the CLIENTE chose to hire her by clicking on the “contratar” link on the website “www.digithalcommerce.nl” and other means informed by DIGITHAL COMMERCE, including declaring on the same tool that he read and accepted all of the terms

After the client has read and understood all of the information on the referenced website, they will sign the Terms of Service.