Privacy & Data Protection

  • At DIGITHAL COMMERCE, privacy and security are priorities and we are committed to transparency in the processing of our users’/customers’ personal data. For this reason, this Privacy Policy document sets out how we collect, use and transfer information from customers or other people who access or use our website.

    By using our services, you understand that we collect and use your personal information in the ways described in this Policy, under the Data Protection rules of the European Union and the other rules of the legal system of the Netherlands.

    Accordingly, DIGITHAL COMMERCE, hereinafter referred to simply as “Contractor”, registered with the KVK with number, in the role of Data Controller, undertakes to comply with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

    1. What Data Do We Collect About You And For What Purpose?

    Our website collects and uses certain personal data about you in order to provide services and improve your user experience.

    1.1 Personal Data Provided by the Data Subject.

    Full address;
    E-mail address;
    Landline and mobile phone numbers;
    Identity number;
    Tax number;
    Company name and trade name.

    1.2 Personal Data Collected Automatically

IP address;
Approximate location according to IP address database;
Cookie file to check if you have already been informed about nl’s privacy policy;
History of previous visits via the tool and online chat;
History of previous visits and visitor behaviour using the Google Analytics tool;
History of interaction with social networks such as Facebook and Instagram through its Facebook Ads platform.

2. How do we collect your data?

Your personal data is collected as follows:

When you access the website or the customer area;
When you start a conversation on the company’s whats app chatbot;
When you send a query or quote via the contact forms;
Calling the company;
By sending an e-mail to the company;

2.1 Consent!

We process your personal data on the basis of your consent. Consent is the free, informed and unequivocal expression by which you authorise DIGITHAL COMMERCE to process your data.
Therefore, in accordance with the Data Protection Act, your data will only be collected, processed and stored with your prior express consent.
Your consent will be obtained specifically for each purpose described above, demonstrating DIGITHAL COMMERCE’s commitment to transparency and good faith towards its users/customers, in accordance with the relevant legislative regulations.
By using DIGITHAL COMMERCE’s services and providing your personal data, you are aware of and consent to the provisions of this Privacy Policy, as well as knowing your rights and how to exercise them.
You can revoke your consent at any time and at no cost.
It is important to note that revoking your consent to the processing of your data may result in the impossibility of the proper performance of any functionality of the website that depends on the operation. We will inform you of these consequences in advance.

3. What Are Your Rights?

DIGITHAL COMMERCE guarantees its users/customers their rights as holders of the General Data Protection Act. In this way, you can, free of charge and at any time:

Confirm the existence of data processing, in a simplified manner or in a clear and complete format.
Access your data, by requesting a legible copy in hard copy form or by secure and reliable electronic means.
Correct your data by requesting that it be edited, corrected or updated.
Limit your data when it is unnecessary, excessive or processed in breach of the law by anonymising, blocking or deleting it.
Request the portability of your data, via a registration data report that DIGITHAL COMMERCE processes about you.
Delete your data processed with your consent, except in the cases provided for by law.
Revoke your consent, deauthorising the processing of your data.
Inform yourself about the possibility of not giving your consent and the consequences of not doing so.

4. How Can You Exercise Your Holder Rights?

To exercise your rights as a holder, you should contact via the following available means:
Telephone numbers: +31 686 228 140 | +31 640 049 692. 

In order to ensure that you are correctly identified as the owner of the personal data that is the subject of the request, we may ask you for documents or other evidence that can prove your identity. In this case, you will be informed in advance.

5. How And For How Long Will Your Data Be Stored?

Your personal data collected by DIGITHAL COMMERCE will be used and stored for as long as necessary for the provision of the service or for the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy to be achieved, taking into account the rights of the data subjects and controllers.

In general, your data will be kept for the duration of the contractual relationship between you and DIGITHAL COMMERCE. Once the period of storage of your personal data has ended, it will be deleted from our databases or anonymised, with the exception of the hypotheses legally provided for in the general data protection law, namely:

I – fulfilment of a legal or regulatory obligation by the controller;

II – study by a research body, guaranteeing, whenever possible, the anonymisation of personal data;

III – transfer to a third party, provided that the data processing requirements set out in this Law are respected; or

IV – exclusive use by the controller, with no access by third parties, and provided that the data is anonymised.

In other words, personal information about you that is essential for complying with legal, judicial and administrative orders and/or for exercising the right of defence in judicial and administrative proceedings will be kept, despite the deletion of other data.

The storage of data collected by Housein reflects our commitment to the security and privacy of your data.

We employ technical protection measures and solutions to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and inviolability of your data. We also have security measures appropriate to the risks and control access to the information stored.

6. What do we do to keep your data safe?

To keep your personal information secure, we use physical, electronic and managerial tools geared towards protecting your privacy.

We apply these tools taking into account the nature of the personal data collected, the context and purpose of the processing and the risks that possible violations would generate for the rights and freedoms of the holder of the data collected and processed.

Among the measures we have adopted, we highlight the following:

Only authorised persons have access to your personal data
Access to your personal data is only granted after a confidentiality undertaking has been given
Your personal data is stored in a secure and suitable environment.
DIGITHAL COMMERCE is committed to taking the best possible steps to avoid security incidents. However, it must be emphasised that no website is entirely safe and risk-free. It is possible that, despite all our security protocols, problems may occur that are the sole fault of third parties, such as cyber attacks by hackers, or due to the negligence or recklessness of the user/customer themselves.

In the event of security incidents that may generate a relevant risk or damage to you or any of our users/customers, we will notify those affected and the National Data Protection Authority of what has occurred, in line with the provisions of the General Data Protection Law.

7. With Whom Can Your Data Be Shared?

With a view to preserving your privacy, DIGITHAL COMMERCE will not share your personal data with any unauthorised third party.

Your data may be shared in exceptional situations, which are:

I – Legal determination, request, requisition or court order, with competent judicial, administrative or governmental authorities.

II – In the event of corporate transactions, such as mergers, acquisitions and incorporations, automatically

III – Protection of the rights of (simplified business name) in any type of conflict, including those of a judicial nature.

7.1 International Data Transfer.

Some of the third parties with whom we share your data may be located or have facilities located in foreign countries. Under these conditions, in any case, your personal data will be subject to the General Data Protection Act and other Dutch data protection legislation

In this regard, DIGITHAL COMMERCE undertakes to always adopt efficient cyber security and data protection standards in its best endeavours to guarantee and comply with legislative requirements.

By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, you agree to this sharing, which will take place in accordance with the purposes described herein.

8. Cookies or Browsing Data?

DIGITHAL COMMERCE makes use of Cookies, which are text files sent by the platform to your computer and stored there, containing information related to your browsing of the website. In short, cookies are used to improve the user experience.

By accessing our website and consenting to the use of Cookies, you signify that you are aware of and accept the use of a system for collecting browsing data with the use of Cookies on your device.

DIGITHAL COMMERCE uses the following Cookies: Google Ads, Google Analitycs, Pixels, Bing Ads, Yahoo Ads.

You may change the permissions, block or reject cookies at any time and without incurring any costs. However, the withdrawal of consent for some Cookies may prevent some platform resources from functioning properly.

9. Modification of this privacy policy.

The most recent version of the privacy policy was created and updated on January 1, 2024.

We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy at any time, primarily based on whether it is appropriate given any future changes made to our website or in line with legal requirements. We advise that you review frequently.

Any future changes will take effect after they are posted on our website, and we will always notify you of any changes that occur.

10. Accountability.

According to Articles 42 to 45 of the General Data Protection Law, the Digital Commerce stipulates the accountability of the agents involved in data treatment processes.

We commit to upholding this updated privacy policy, observing its provisions and zealously observing its observance.

In addition to that, we also take on the responsibility of seeking organizational and technical conditions that are securely appropriate for safeguarding the entire data treatment process.

In the event that the National Authority for Data Protection announces the adoption of the provisions related to the data treatment carried out by Digital Commerce, we commit to adhering to them.

10.1 Sensibilidade Isencial.

As mentioned in Topic 6, while we use high security standards to prevent incidents, no virtual page is completely risk-free. In this sense, DIGITAL COMMERCE is not liable for:

I – Any consequences resulting from users’ negligence, recklessness, or imprudence regarding their personal information. We only guarantee and bear responsibility for the security of the data processing procedures and the fulfillment of the purposes specified in this document.

We emphasize that the user bears responsibility for the confidentiality of the access data.

II – Malicious actions by third parties, such as cyber attacks, until proven to be intentional or culpable in the digital commerce.

We emphasize that in the event of security incidents that could pose a risk or cause relevant harm to you or any of our users/clients, we will notify the affected parties and the National Authority for Data Protection about the occurrence and take the necessary steps to ensure their safety.

III-Viability of the information entered by the user/client in the databases required to use the digital commerce services; any consequences resulting from inaccurate or fraudulent information are solely the user/client’s responsibility.

11. Responsible for Data Protection.

The following channels are made available by DIGITAL COMMERCE so that you can get in contact with them and exercise your ownership rights:

Contact email at
Phone numbers: +31 640 049 692 | +31 686 228 140
If you have any questions about our privacy policy or the personal data we handle, you can get in contact with our sales department:

By email at, Ericia de Fatima